Allwyn has partnered with Future Frames to significantly support emerging filmmakers. Their new collaboration will offer Hollywood-caliber chances for directors selected for the Future Frames program at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

Considered one of the world’s most esteemed film festivals, the Karlovy Vary Film Festival dates back to 1946. This year’s festival occurs in the Czech Republic from June 30th to July 8th. Annually since 2015, Future Frames has chosen ten promising directors to present their work. Now, with Allwyn’s support, the festival will grant awards to these gifted individuals.

Furthermore, one fortunate director will receive a month-long mentorship in Los Angeles, including workshops, studio visits, and networking opportunities with industry experts.

“Allwyn is dedicated to generating opportunities and enhancing lives,” stated Pavel Turek, Allwyn’s Chief Global Brand, Corporate Communication and CSR Officer. “This extends beyond those who participate in our lottery games.”

Kristof Mucha, the top dog at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, expressed immense enthusiasm for this burgeoning collaboration. He believes it presents a remarkable opportunity for emerging European filmmakers, providing them a genuine chance to break into the industry and elevate their craft.

Author of this blog

By Chloe "Cleo" Turner

Holding a Ph.D. in Statistics and a Master's in Epidemiology, this accomplished author has extensive experience in the application of statistical modeling and data analysis techniques to the study of public health issues related to gambling. They have expertise in survey sampling, longitudinal data analysis, and spatial statistics, which they use to investigate the prevalence and determinants of problem gambling and its impact on individuals and communities. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a public health perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to promote responsible gambling and mitigate harm.

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