A new mobile-centric sports betting platform, ClutchBet, is entering the US market, debuting in Iowa just as the football season kicks off. They’ve teamed up with the Dubuque Racing Association’s Q Casino to introduce their distinct wagering platform to Iowa sports enthusiasts. The agreement includes a rebranding of Q Casino’s sports bar to the ClutchBet Lounge in the near future. Iowa residents aged 21 and above can download the ClutchBet application and begin placing wagers.

ClutchBet emphasizes its localized strategy, having developed its own technology and assembled a team focused on creating unique betting options and features specifically designed for Iowa. They are certain that this, combined with their exceptional customer support, will surpass the expectations of Iowa bettors.

ClutchBet’s Senior VP of Operations, Jake Francis, highlighted the company’s enthusiasm, remarking, “Iowa possesses a storied sports legacy and fervent fans, making it the ideal location to initiate our US expansion.” Sean Phinney, Senior VP of Marketing, added, “Our team possesses extensive experience, and we are committed to making ClutchBet the preferred sportsbook in Iowa, staying true to our slogan: ‘For the Win.”

Fresh subscribers to ClutchBet are receiving a fantastic promotion: wager a bet, and should you not win, they’ll reimburse you a maximum of $500. It seems the competition has intensified in the United States sports wagering arena!

Author of this blog

By Chloe "Cleo" Turner

Holding a Ph.D. in Statistics and a Master's in Epidemiology, this accomplished author has extensive experience in the application of statistical modeling and data analysis techniques to the study of public health issues related to gambling. They have expertise in survey sampling, longitudinal data analysis, and spatial statistics, which they use to investigate the prevalence and determinants of problem gambling and its impact on individuals and communities. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a public health perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to promote responsible gambling and mitigate harm.

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